Monday, 29 February 2016

A book on CORRUPTION AND SCAMS in Indian Public Administration

Author:M.P. JOSEPH
The book is in the form of my autobiography/memoirs, I am a voluntarily retired Senior Audit Officer. I took voluntary retirement ahead of more than 5 years from my regular retirement, from the INDIAN AUDIT AND ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT (IA&AD) headed by the COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL OF INDIA (CAG). Otherwise I would have been still in service. The very purpose of my premature retirement was to write this book which I could not do while in Government service. The main purpose of this book is to give the public a true picture of a Constitutional Authority namely the Comptroller and Auditor General of India commonly known as CAG – i.e., how this important Constitutional Body is being misused/manipulated by itself, by the Government Officials, by the Politicians and other interested parties for their personal gains. This is quite contrary to the image what is projected in the minds of the general public through public media/publications instigated by these interested parties to achieve their own selfish goals. This book is a real insider story.
Part I of the book starts with the Heading “CAG NOT EVEN AN ACCOUNTANT” narrating why it is so from my own experience during my brief initial stay in the account side of the Department. 
From the 2nd chapter onward I am unfurling my experiences in the audit side of the Department in support of the title of the book, starting with a quote from a decision of the Supreme Court of India while dismissing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) based on an audit objection (Draft Para) reported by the CAG in his Audit Report submitted to the Parliament. Thereafter I am narrating  from my own experience as to how the CAG manipulates the Audit Report with false information by hiding the real facts.

From chapter 6 to 10 I am narrating how I was harassed by the administration for fighting against this kind of audit manipulations. To keep the originality of the incidents, I kept the original correspondence from the charge sheet till the decision of the review petition to the CAG of India. I  also narrated therein how I continued with further exposure of Audit Scam undeterred with the action taken by the administration against me.

In part III captioned with ‘after crucifixion and resurrection’ I narrated how I started applying the tools under the ‘RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT 2005’ to fix the CAG and the Finance Ministry  (as a sample) who played the drama to fool the Nation by submitting inflated and fake audit paras/objections (Draft Para) while hiding the real ones.

The book is ending with, “Is it not both CAG and the Ministry are fooling the Parliament and thus the people of India? Now it is for the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Parliament to tell the Public what they are doing with these kinds of audit objections and replies brought before them” by the auditor CAG and the auditee Ministries.
(To read free part of the book, go to 'Look inside':-  
For further details and purchase of the book ( eBook and Paperback), go to the following link:

Thursday, 25 February 2016

സി എ ജി സർക്കാരുമായി അവിശുദ്ധ ബന്ധത്തിൽ - വ്യാജ ഓഡിറ്റ് നിരീക്ഷണങ്ങൾ

F t{^mUv C³ Z C´y³ tIm¬ÌnÁ}j³ (To buy the book: F¶ Cu ]pkvXIw Fsâ kz´w BßIY/Ubdnçdn¸v F¶ coXnbnemWv FgpXnbncnç¶Xv. Fsâ 30 hÀj¯ntesd¡mes¯ kn.F.Pn.(Comptroller & Auditor General of India) Hm^oknsâ IognepÅ F.Pn. (Accountant General) Hm^oknse tPmen¡nSbnse kwLÀj]qcnXamb PohnXm\p`h§fpsS shfn¨¯n kÀ¡mÀ Hm^okpIfn \Sç¶ A\oXnItfbpw, ssI¡qen XpS§nb Xocmim]§sf ]Ánbpw s]mXpP\§sf a\ÊnemçI F¶XmWv Cu ]pkvXIw FgpXnbXnsâ {][m\ Dt±iw.
apJhpcbpsS BZy`mK¯n ]dbp¶Xpt]mse, "Cu ]pkvXIw FgpXnbXnsâ {][m\ Dt±iw, ssZhs¯t¸mse s]mXpP\w ImWp¶ kn.F.Pn. bYmÀ°¯n Hê ssZhaÃ, adn¨v, C´y³ `cWLS\çÅnse Hê h³ NXnbmsW¶v sXfnbn¡m\pw AXv s]mXpP\§sf t_m[ys¸Sp¯m\pamWv.' kÀ¡mÀ tPmenbn Ccnçt¼mÄ Xs¶ AXn\pÅnse A\oXnIÄçw sImÅêXmbvaIÄçw FXnsc i_vZapbÀ¯nb Fs¶ ASn¨aÀ¯m³ in£m\S]SnIfneqsS {ian¨Xnsâ Xnàm\p`h§fnteçw Cu ]pkvXIw hnc Nq¬Sp¶p. AXns\sbm¶pw hI sh¡msX F§ns\ apt¶dnsb¶pw Cu ]pkvXI¯n {]Xn]mZnç¶p.
]Xnaq¶mw A²ymb¯nsâ Ahkm\ `mK¯v C§ns\ ]dbp¶p: "Cu ]pkvXIw bYmÀ°¯n P\Iob tImSXnbnteçÅ Hê A¸o IqSnbmWv. AXp am{XaÃ, P\§fpsS Nnehn kpJn¨p \S¶v Ahsc¯s¶ hnÍnIfmç¶ A[nIcn hÀ¤¯nsâ hnÍnIfmbn FÃm Imehpw XpScêXv F¶ Xm¡oXpamWv.'
Fsâ A\p`h§Ä ]èsh¨Xn\ptijw ]pkvXIw Ahkm\n¸nç¶Xv C§ns\bmWv:- ""CXv kn.F.Pn.bpw `cWIqShpw IqSn H¯pIfn¨vv, ]mÀensaânt\bpw AXphgn C´y³ P\Xtbbpw hnÍnIfmçIbtÃ? C\n ]mÀensaânsâ ]»nIv A¡u¬Svkv I½nÁn(PAC)bpw aÁpamWv ]dtb¬SXv, C¯cw s]mÅbmb HmUnÁv H_vP£\pw aÁpw AhcpsS ap¶n \nc¯n kn.F.Pn.bpw `cWIqShpw IqSn \mSIw Ifnçt¼mÄ AhÀ F´mWv sN¿p¶sX¶v.''
CXnsâsbÃmw BsI¯pIbmWv apJNn{Xhpw DÅnse aÁp Nn{X§fpw hgn sP³k³ hnhcnç¶Xv.
Hê Imcyw IqSn ]dbm\pÅXv, Cu ]pkvXI¯n FÃm Icy§fpw FgpXbn«nÃ. Cu ]pkvXIw Nne hkvXpXm]camb Imcy§Ä sXfnbn¡m³ th¬S Dt±it¯msS FgpXnbXp sIm¬Sv Aåw kmt¦XnI coXnbnemWv FgpXnbncnç¶Xv. F¶mÂ, ]e ckIcamb kw`h§fpw A\p`h§fpw am{Xw DÄs¸Sp¯n, kmt¦XnIaÃmsX hfsc efnXamb coXnbn c¬Smw `Kw FgpXp¶Xns\¸Án BtemN\bp¬Sv. AXv aebmf¯nepw IqSn {]kn²oIcn¡Wsa¶pw Dt±iap¬Sv.

More details :
